Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Is Meursault Heroic in Albert Camus The Stranger Essay

Is Meursault Heroic in The Outsider? When Meursault is described to us in the early stages of The Outsider we see that he does not obey societys codes therefore is it fair for us to assess him using societies interpretation of heroic? If we are to judge him by them then we are given ample examples throughout the novel of his having no compassion or even of his thinking of the consequences of his actions, hardly heroic, but the converse is also demonstrated in many places. An example of the former is when Raymond asks Meursault to draft a letter to an Arab prostitute. Meursault knows what will result from his actions but seems unemotional and views the letter as being a†¦show more content†¦His unconventional train of thought and attitude is reflected not only in Meursaults unorthodox observations but also in the way the novel is composed. All of the sentences in the novel are short and in staccato rhythm. There are no connective conjunctions in any of Meursaults speeches, reflecting his simple, existentialist attitude to life. His philosophy is reflected in the way that he describes things; when he describes locations he gives precedence over people to material objects. This is illustrated in his description of the room in the mortuary where his mothers coffin is. He first notices the very bright room then the whitewashed walls and he then goes on to describe the furniture and eventually he reaches the coffin but before thinking about his mother he notices the row of shiny screws. This preoccupation with physical properties is repeated throughout the novel as we are always given a very extensive description of each person Meursault meets before he talks to them. This unconventional attitude is supported throughout the novel and portrays Meursualts difference from the other characters we meet. All of these quirks and eccentricities help us understand Meursaults character and we soon understand his thought process. When he meets the Arab thatShow MoreRelatedMiscommunication Causes Serious Consequences Leading to Alienation and Discrimination Within a Society1202 Words   |  5 PagesHowever, droplets alone, are fragile and vulnerable. In Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis and Albert Camus The Stranger, the significant role of communication is portrayed through two extreme examples. Miscommunication causes serious consequences leading to alienation and discrimination within a society like the lonesome raindrops, aloof and out of the worlds reach. Meursault, the protagonist in The Stranger, encounters a dilemma different than the anti-hero, Gregor Samsa, from The Metamorphosis doesRead MoreThe Stranger By Albert Camus Essay1591 Words   |  7 PagesThe Stranger was written by the French author Albert Camus, and was first published in 1942 in its indigenous French. It’s described as being the most widely-read French novel of the twentieth century, and has sold millions of copies in Britain and the United States alone. It’s known by two titles; the other being The Outsider. The backstory to this is very interesting but, more importantly, the subtle difference in meaning between titles suggests certain resultant translative idiosyncrasies whenRead More Essay on Camus’ The Stranger (The Outsider): Meursault as Metaphysical Rebel1996 Words   |  8 PagesMeursault as Metaphysical Rebel in The Stranger (The Outsider)  Ã‚     Ã‚   The Stranger by Albert Camus was published in 1942. The setting of the novel is Algiers where Camus spent his youth in poverty. In many ways the main character, Meursault, is a typical Algerian youth. Like them, and like Camus himself, Meursault was in love with the sun and the sea. His life is devoted to appreciating physical sensations. He seems so devoid of emotion. Something in Meursaults character has appealed primarily

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